Sunday, May 22, 2011

Jack! The new member of the Family!!!

Well the time has come to bring a new little one onto Hapuku Kitchen estate. The first of many I suspect. Jack is a Labrador/Huntaway X so Sturge is dead keen to get him out Duck Hunting while Fi is wondering if he could round up the chickens and ducks. Mmmm I sense disaster coming.

I'm Jack and am 6 1/2 Weeks old from Amberley. Mum was a Lab and Dad was a frisky Huntaway

Meg being introduced to Jack!mmmm this will be interesting!

We werent kidding when we said only one wall would remain. It is a bit scary actually. Not sure why we even bothered to keep a single wall.

The one remaining wall!
Looking to the Mountains, thru where the doors will be
Looks like the entrance to a Church!
The rest is roofed and lined! Hang on does that mean more than one roof party!

Few issues just cropping up, the roof setup was not right and therefore we were not able to save any of the existing roof structure. Oh well , Out it came then.

Next Step the roof goes on the living area (AKA School Hall) Man it is huge!!!
Then the windows and cladding. Roll on the next few weeks

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Some things you just cant control!

Meg chasing a builder resulted in this!
Some things you just cant control!
Well the roof is now on the extension and completely wrapped. This is great as the rain starts.

The guys have started on the remainder of the house with the removal of the old porch front which will become the main windows to the mountains and the replacement of the roof.

Of course now they remove the remainder of the floor! What joy will they find under there?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Extension Roof On! Plumbing Starts!

Well as each day goes buy things are happening to the house.
Whilst the Sun is out....just! the roof goes on and the ditches have been dug for the sewerage tank.
Damn glad I wasn't there when they pumped out the old one!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Roof framing is completed, Fascia goes on

The boys have spent a few days adding the multitude of framing for the roof ready for the delivery of the Longrun Iron.